As most of you know, I have started nursing school...YAY! My mind is overwhelmed most days and I find it hard to blog as often as I would like to. One of my biggest concerns about school, which seems minor now, was when I was going to work out. I have to say, this has not been a problem. I still wake up and lift weights with my powerlifting team and I started teaching Zumba classes at the gym and a shortened class to my fellow class mates. Working out doesn't seem like a chore anymore. It's something that I've really started to enjoy and if I miss a day, even my nursing instructors notice that I'm not myself. It's a privilege (sp) and now something that I really look forward to!
But that's not the message I wanted to share. The BIG deal, the BIG picture I wanted to share is so deep (literally). I have reeped the rewards of working out. I've lost weight and I feel so great! But that's not it either...that's just a perk. As I'm mulling over all of this nursing stuff and trying to cram every last bit of information into my tiny brain, I can't help but notice that each and every disease we have learned thus far requires a nurse to teach the importance of diet and exercise. We've been through respiratory, cardiac, urinary, skin, etc. and each and every time, I see the words "lifestyle changes to improve diet and exercise". We all, especially women, are so concerned about our appearance. Stop focusing on that and start focusing on what is happening on the inside while you're making these lifestyle changes. You are strengthening your vital organs which will in turn decrease your risk for so many diseases and prolong your life. Even if you are just doing 30 minutes a day, that is something and your innards are LOVING the attention and let's face it, your outards will start reaping the positive rewards too. Most importantly, you are moving to a new HEALTHIER, BETTER YOU!
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