Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kick Your Excuses to the Curb & Move On!!!

This is a hard blog to write but at risk of sounding like an insensitive, blunt, unempathetic beeeeee-otch, I'm just going step right out on a limb here and then I will kindly remove myself from my soapbox.  :) 
How much does your mental health affect your weight loss and your life in general?  People, you are making too many excuses for yourself and I DO NOT EMPATHIZE WITH YOU!  Call me an insensitive bitch if you want to but the truth is you are all making excuses and it's time to stop and get over it!!  I know, easier said than done but seriously enough is enough.  Day in and day out, Americans are making excuses for themselves and it is leading to horrible decisions.  I'm too busy to make a sandwich for myself so drive thru it is; I have too much going on, I don't have time for the gym; my parents died so I'm gonna eat this giant fried twinky and two stew meat and potato get the picture. 

Is anyone else as frustrated as I am?  I, of all people, get it!  I've been there; horrible things have happened to me and I've been there too.  Let me be the proof that you can OVERCOME!  You will prevail!   I did and I am thriving today because of where I've been.  I went through, in seven months, what people go through in a lifetime.  I lost both my parents and it was horrible.  I let that be my excuse; that I was grieving so much that I didn't have time to take care of myself.  Are you serious?  Does anyone else see how rediculous these excuses are?  I mean really, it probably takes more time to drive through McDonald's than it does to make a turkey sandwich, right?  The truth is, I made these excuses for myself.  In an instant you can overcome your excuses!  Your mind is your best tool, so get out there and USE IT!

Educate yourself!  The more you know about diet and weightloss and how your body responds, the more results you are going to have.  Take the negative energy and the silly excuses to the gym and take it out on yourself.  Let go and stop letting these little things win.  Mind over body....yes! it hurts and it will hurt a lot but it's going to hurt a lot less than a heart attack! 

Harness the endorphins (happy hormones) that are released when you exercise!  You will not only start to reap the benefits of exercise (ie: weight loss) but you will feel so much better about yourself and start to see things more positively.  I've read that these endorphins can actually act as a natural antidepressant.  How powerful is that?  Even if you aren't in the mood, make yourself go and reap the positive, happy hormones associated with said workout!

My point is, as Jason Ellis so elequently puts, is to "HARDEN THE FUCK UP"!  [Insert apology here to mom's of friends; friends of my moms; etc. that read my blog, don't judge, I say fuck a lot and to be honest, it's way better than a heroine addiction]  Get out there and give life all you can give, stop making excuses for yourself and go get 'er done!  That is all! 

*Maureen kindly removes herself from soapbox located center stage and exits stage right*

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Calling all BLOG readers!! Attention: Maureen needs motivation on the tread mill!

Does anyone else find it hard to get back into the swing of things after a long weekend?!?  I know I do especially when most of the weekend involved aliens, barbeques, bad food, a little drinking, swimming,  fireworks and of course, the hot-hot sun!  It's kind of what Independence Day is all about.  It's exhausting to say the least.  So how do you find motivation to get back to it? 

Today, I have to thank all of you who read this blog!  Why, you are wondering?  What did you do?  Well, you all had a hand at motivating the motivator and you didn't even know it!  I hit the gym this morning at 8:30 and started with some HIIT (high intensity interval training) and after about 10 minutes I was ready to quit, call it a day, throw in the towel and I kept thinking to myself "Self, what would your blog readers think? Would you be as motivating if you quit now?"  It was like I had all these little voices (blog reader voices, of course) in the back of my head saying "KEEP GOING! DON'T STOP NOW!"  Your voices pushed me through, got me over the hump and you all helped and for that I thank you!  I stayed on for 30 minutes and ran through my sprints twice then did weight training!  So PLEASE keep reading!  :)  You motivate me!  You keep me on track!  And my hope is that this silly little blog will have the same profound affect on you!  Get out there and be the best YOU you can be!