Friday, June 24, 2011

21 Days to a new habit?!? Say what???

So I have read several times that it takes a mere 21 days to make or break a habit.  21 days or 3 weeks!  That's not so bad!  So I decided to put it to test.  What should I change...hmmmm???  There are SO many to choose from.  I always remember Dr. Davis, my marketing instructor from college, saying "Keep It Simple Stupid" as he stalked around the front of the classroom.  So that's just what I did.  I started with flossing my teeth and for 3 weeks straight I made sure I flossed everyday...simple enough, right?  Just think, flossing only takes an extra 30 seconds and on days I was running late, I kept thinking 30 seconds isn't going to make me that much later, so I pushed through and flossed everyday.  It's now a habit!

Flossing is said to improve/extend your life expectancy by several years.  In just 30 seconds per day, I am adding time to the rest of my life.  Wow...when you put it that way, it sounds so much more meaningful.  This is the kind of the attitude I have taken when it comes to sprinting on the treadmill or pushing myself in a spin class.  I think to myself, 30 seconds for the rest of my life.  It works for me and I find myself thinking that every time I want to stop running or back off the resistence in spin.  Find something that keeps your mind on track.  Mind over'll work every time!

So why does that work for me?  I've got the clocks against me.  My dad passed away at 56 and my mom at 59, granted both deaths were special circumstances but still it seems like the stars are stacked against me in that department.  For some reason, the thought of adding time to my life just works for me.  What will work for you? 


  1. Maureen,

    I'm so glad to see you blogging! I will read regularly, and I think I will start with your flossing advice (I'm staring down the barrel of a root canal right now).


  2. Also, Maureen, how did you deal with accountability? I am a lazy slacker, and I need some sort of accountability to get me to do anything. I often make lists, but I have been finding that even that is sliding away from making me accountable. Any tips?

  3. Testing...Testing...checking to see if I can comment. Michele...change your attitude and I mean that in the most positive and loving way possible. You are NOT a lazy slacker...You are capable of anything!

    One of the things my mom did when she got sick was self affirmation...she would sit in the mirror and tell herself she would beat the disease, that she could conquer all things, etc. etc. She defied ALS and overcame all the obstacles set in front of her and I think this was one of the reasons she was able to. She beat the odds she was given. They said 2-4 years, she lived for 8!!

    You are what you think you are. If you think you are a lazy slacker then you probably are but if you think you are a conqueror capable of tackling any project before you, you are a conqueror. You are great and you need to tell yourself that in the mirror everyday! YOU are capable of anything, just believe in yourself and go do it!!! I believe in you and I know so many other people do too! :) LOVE!!!
