What are you teaching your children about a healthy lifestyle? It's time to ask ourselves this question, America because the obesity epidemic is on the rise and has been for years. It's been said by so many that our most precious natural resource is our children and I believe this to be true so ask yourself, what are you teaching your children?
I've been reflecting on my own childhood and the lessons my parents taught me. My parents were wonderful people who taught me so much about life and how to live it and to be honest, are still teaching me those lessons after they have passed (probably more so than before). However, I think they had a downfall in the health department and it's not a reflection of them necessarily but their lifestyle. I didn't see my parents work out and there was no one ever there to really say "Maureen, stop eating the entire box of gushers in one sitting". I learned overindulgence of southern foods and sweets. I vaguely remember my childhood (repressed memories I guess) but I do remember being praised for eating an entire can of biscuits with my grandma's gravy. There was never really anyone there to teach me how to be healthy. We had refined, processed foods readily available and that is what I learned.
So as an overweight adult, I had to relearn what I was/wasn't taught. I had to learn about the dangers of processed foods, refined sugars and carbohydrates and learn the benefits of a balanced diet free of massive portion sizes (thank Dad!). A lesson I think I learned the hard way. In no way am I blaming my parents for my weight issues but I think it contributed to my lack of knowledge of what is healthy. I also remember going to my friend, Crystal's house and thinking it was weird that all they had was healthy, low fat food and that there wasn't a piece of white bread to be found. There was always workout equipment there and they were always members of a gym. I never really understood what they were doing and what the point was and as I look back today I think they taught their kids a valuable lesson. They were healthy and fit and they in turn passed that down to their 2 daughters who are also healthy, fit and absolutely gorgeous women. A few years ago, they even ran a race together! How cool is that?!? So I started thinking, what am I teaching my kids? Am I doing as good a job as John & Linda? Could I run that race with my kids? I know the answer now is yes but a year ago...I don't think so! You should ask yourself the same question. I want my children to be better than me, not have the struggles I do with my weight. I want to set them up for all the successes life has to offer. They won't understand why now but when they are parents they will instill the same lessons to their kids (at least that would be my hope).