Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What are you teaching your kids? Featured Family - The Rascons

What are you teaching your children about a healthy lifestyle?  It's time to ask ourselves this question, America because the obesity epidemic is on the rise and has been for years.  It's been said by so many that our most precious natural resource is our children and I believe this to be true so ask yourself, what are you teaching your children? 

I've been reflecting on my own childhood and the lessons my parents taught me.  My parents were wonderful people who taught me so much about life and how to live it and to be honest, are still teaching me those lessons after they have passed (probably more so than before).  However, I think they had a downfall in the health department and it's not a reflection of them necessarily but their lifestyle.  I didn't see my parents work out and there was no one ever there to really say "Maureen, stop eating the entire box of gushers in one sitting".  I learned overindulgence of southern foods and sweets.  I vaguely remember my childhood (repressed memories I guess) but I do remember being praised for eating an entire can of biscuits with my grandma's gravy.  There was never really anyone there to teach me how to be healthy.  We had refined, processed foods readily available and that is what I learned. 

So as an overweight adult, I had to relearn what I was/wasn't taught.  I had to learn about the dangers of processed foods, refined sugars and carbohydrates and learn the benefits of a balanced diet free of massive portion sizes (thank Dad!).  A lesson I think I learned the hard way.  In no way am I blaming my parents for my weight issues but I think it contributed to my lack of knowledge of what is healthy.  I also remember going to my friend, Crystal's house and thinking it was weird that all they had was healthy, low fat food and that there wasn't a piece of white bread to be found.  There was always workout equipment there and they were always members of a gym.  I never really understood what they were doing and what the point was and as I look back today I think they taught their kids a valuable lesson.  They were healthy and fit and they in turn passed that down to their 2 daughters who are also healthy, fit and absolutely gorgeous women.  A few years ago, they even ran a race together!  How cool is that?!?  So I started thinking, what am I teaching my kids?  Am I doing as good a job as John & Linda?  Could I run that race with my kids?  I know the answer now is yes but a year ago...I don't think so!  You should ask yourself the same question.  I want my children to be better than me, not have the struggles I do with my weight.  I want to set them up for all the successes life has to offer.  They won't understand why now but when they are parents they will instill the same lessons to their kids (at least that would be my hope). 

Are you teaching them a life of sitting on the couch watching TV or getting out and being active?  Are you teaching them the benefits of a well balanced diet or the convenience of the drive-thru?  I'm not saying sit your kids down, class-room style but LEAD BY EXAMPLE.  They will learn the importance just by watching you.  I think the answer to part of the obesity of this nation is the resource we have in our children.  Teach them the ways of health & wellness and in return maybe they can turn our country around.  If we don't, I think the problem is only going to get bigger and to me, that is really sad. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who's responsible for accountability?!?

"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable." Moliere

I was recently asked a question on how to keep yourself accountable.  Who does keep/hold me accountable?  This is a tough question for so many reasons.  There's really not just one person that helps with this but there is one person that is the most important: YOURSELF!  You are the most important person in this equation. 

I've entered challenges and hired trainers to help to hold me accountable for making it to the gym BUT it really came down to myself getting up and going to the gym.  I recently had to let my trainer go because I could no longer afford it especially with the kids being at home during the summer eating me out of house & home (I know you other moms know what I mean) & then the amount it costs to entertain them.  Cha-ching!  Anyway, I had to let my trainer go for the summer and I told her that it was a good opportunity for me to rely only on myself.  I've been successful this summer with making it to the gym.  I've gotten my daughter where she likes to go with and sometimes she'll even do Zumba with me! 

So here are a few tips for ACCOUNTABILITY:

Make friends with people who already work out!  They will inspire you to be your best and they've already conquered the accountability mountain.

Tell your friends & family about your goals and flat-out ask them for their help.  They'll understand and it's important to know that your friends & family want you to be healthy just as much as you want that for yourself.

Make friends with the people at the gym...the ones that greet you!  It's nice to hear "Hi Maureen" when I walk in the door.  They know who you are, recognize when you are coming in or aren't and for some reason, this helps me with accountability.  Seems pretty simple, right?

When it comes to making yourself go to the gym, GO no matter how many bad excuses you can come up with.  It's instant gratification and you will feel like you've conquered yourself & for me, there's no better feeling.

Get your kids involved.  I think they are one of our greatest resources and they want you to be healthy and feel good because when Mommy is happy EVERYONE is happy!  I talk to my kids about my goals and that I am trying to lose weight and be healthy.  My little one is really good about reminding me that certain things will make me fat or that she doesn't want me to eat that or I'll get fat again.  Kids are so honest and it's really easy to put the twinkie down when it comes from the mouths of babes.

I know we are all guilty of raiding our kids snacks & overeating SO designate a drawer to just the kids & tell them it is just for them.  Let them choose the snacks they like but limit how much they can eat of it.  If I buy my kids fruit roll-ups, they are allowed to have one per day (that goes for all other snacks too).  This is a good time to instill in them that everything is ok in moderation.  Tell them that this drawer is only for them and it's off limits to Mommy &/or Daddy if he's on the bandwagon.  They will take great pride in their snack drawer and remind you when you are raiding it that it's only theirs!

My husband is also really good about holding me accountable.  I never really appreciated what he does, my typical response is to get mad.  However, when he looks at me holding the spoonful of cherry icing and says "Really, babe?" it snaps me right back into reality and I rethink eating it.  He's my witness...he knows my downfalls & when I give into temptation.  Ask for your partners help and honestly, I think it's better to bite his head off then eating that icing/candy bar/ice cream in your hand.  :)  He also knows how good I feel about myself when I get back from the gym.  When I don't want to go, he's the first to encourage me and say GO, you'll feel good about it!  LOVE THAT GUY!

Let's tackle the laundry.  I cannot tell you how many times I have gone to my friends house and the clean laundry is piled up in the floor.  What is that about?  My favorite trick to tackling the laundry and getting it put away is the instant it comes out of the dryer (right when the dryer stops so the laundry doesn't get wrinkled), is to separate it and fold it on my bed.  This also limits the amount of ironing I have to do (which is NONE).  I can't go to bed until the laundry is put away.  So I call in the troops (the kids have to put their own laundry away) and they put it away while I'm putting mine away too so I can get to my bed and get my precious sleep.

That's all for now.  I think this will be an ongoing list.  If you've got ideas that have helped you, let me know, I'll include them.  I think it's important to remember that you are the MOST important part of this equation.  Rely mostly on yourself and reward yourself (not with food) for each step along the way!  Look at your past and see how far you've come.  You've already conquered so many things in your life, this is just another one to add to your belt!  The strength WILL come from within and you WILL do awesome!  Go get-em!  :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

21 Days to a new habit?!? Say what???

So I have read several times that it takes a mere 21 days to make or break a habit.  21 days or 3 weeks!  That's not so bad!  So I decided to put it to test.  What should I change...hmmmm???  There are SO many to choose from.  I always remember Dr. Davis, my marketing instructor from college, saying "Keep It Simple Stupid" as he stalked around the front of the classroom.  So that's just what I did.  I started with flossing my teeth and for 3 weeks straight I made sure I flossed everyday...simple enough, right?  Just think, flossing only takes an extra 30 seconds and on days I was running late, I kept thinking 30 seconds isn't going to make me that much later, so I pushed through and flossed everyday.  It's now a habit!

Flossing is said to improve/extend your life expectancy by several years.  In just 30 seconds per day, I am adding time to the rest of my life.  Wow...when you put it that way, it sounds so much more meaningful.  This is the kind of the attitude I have taken when it comes to sprinting on the treadmill or pushing myself in a spin class.  I think to myself, 30 seconds for the rest of my life.  It works for me and I find myself thinking that every time I want to stop running or back off the resistence in spin.  Find something that keeps your mind on track.  Mind over'll work every time!

So why does that work for me?  I've got the clocks against me.  My dad passed away at 56 and my mom at 59, granted both deaths were special circumstances but still it seems like the stars are stacked against me in that department.  For some reason, the thought of adding time to my life just works for me.  What will work for you? 

Need some MEAU-tivation?!?

I'm at a point in my life where I feel like I am on FIRE!  I've never been more excited and motivated to get to the gym and get fit!  I've always worked out but never like now; I'm not in the best shape of my life but I will be soon and getting there has been the MOST fun! 

I was recently asked to tell my story on my facebook page about my weight loss/get fit journey.  Here it is but beefed up for blog viewers!  I wish I could've taken a before & after of my innards (ie: my heart) because that is where the difference that matters takes place! 

Where I was?  FAT and truly uncomfortable in my own skin!  I set out to just feel good and of course that would lead to some weight loss, at least I hoped for that!  I knew I wanted to go to nursing school and one of my biggest motivators was that I don't want to be the fat nurse telling people they need to lost weight when I'm not doing it myself.  I want my patients to look at me and know that I put my words into action and that they can trust that I've been there and done that.  I knew I needed a complete overhaul!  I started with the most important factor that was missing in my life: consistency.  Not just when it came to the gym but as a parent, my eating habits, my house, and let's not forget the laundry.  I lacked consistency and it showed. 

So last year when we moved to Roswell, I took it as a new start.  First on my agenda, find a gym I liked.  They advertised a Weight Loss Challenge and I was in!  Originally it was to be at the other gym in Roswell (they don't get a plug) and then it changed to Alton's Power Block Gym.  I walked in and I was hooked!  I lost, around 13 pounds on the Challenge and then Carrie moved :(  I stopped going, gained a little back over the holidays, Jason had surgery and I knew I had to get back in there.  I started working out with one of my best friends and motivators, Marissa and I was hooked again.   I started at a whopping 206 pounds and I am now down to 184 (and holding - turning fat into muscle and losing inches).

So what in the HECK am I doing?!?  Yeah, I know you just skipped down to this part (everyone does)!  First of all, get moving!  No matter what it is, MOVE YOUR BODY!  :)  I do spin classes, Zumba!, sprints (high intensity interval training) and I lift weights like a dude (really heavy for me)!  I eat several times a every 3 hours, sometimes more often.  I made changes to my diet that are realistic for the rest of my life.  Sure, I cheat and it's really hard to turn down pizza but when I do eat the bad stuff, I don't beat myself up.  I really try to limit myself to ONE cheat meal a week.  It's hard to do especially when it comes to the weekends and there's parties & get togethers. 

OH AND DON"T FORGET THE WATER!!!  I drink half my weight in ounces of water per day AND some green tea from starbucks and coffee.  NO SODA!!  I haven't drank soda in 2 years this month (I have a drink of the kids when we go out to eat and that is my guilty pleasure).  There will probably be a separate blog about this...I'm so passionate about the affects soda has on your body and why to avoid it!

Of course, I can't take all the credit.  Carie Talley got me started in July 2010 and I needed a kick start like her program.  Once she moved, Marissa Benavides took over and has become one of my best friends and work out buddy....without her, I can't even go there...I just don't know what I'd do.  To Lucas & the rest of the staff at Alton's...thanks for changing my life!

I'm not done, still have a long way to go but with consistency, determination and a positive attitude ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!   You can do it too!